Case Management Made easy

Free Trial

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try CaseWorks
90 days Free

Case Management for private investigators

Try CaseWorks risk free for 90 days with no obligations. During your free trial you will have  access to all CaseWorks features & reporting!

Credit Card

Try today without payment info

Iphone compatible

Manage cases on the go

android Compatible

Take your cases with you

No long term Contracts

Keep your business flexible

Start your FREE CaseWorks trial today

no credit card required & no software to install

Questions? Contact us!

No Long Term Agreements or Contracts

Try the full version for 90 days FREE

Success Stories

CaseWorks is irreplaceable

“We have been using for the past 12 years and strongly feel that CaseWorks is a tool & factor in our success. CaseWorks is irreplaceable in our daily routine to help manage our agency with accuracy & professionalism. With CaseWorks financial tools we don’t leave any money on the table!”
Ed Roy

Most valuable tools I have ever purchased

"I started using CaseWorks in 1999 & I haven’t stopped. CaseWorks turned out to be one of the most valuable tools I have ever purchased for my business. It developed into the most solid piece of software my business could have hoped for. CaseWorks features are consistent, reliable, & simple to use. Caseworks was built from the ground up with private investigators in mind. If you own or manage any type of investigative business, I highly recommend CaseWorks.”
Randy Torgenson
Somatic Global Corporation

CaseWorks paid for itself within two weeks

"CaseWorks is a super program that has enabled me to provide a better product to my client by streamlining reporting and prompting "to do" activities. The most important benefit from CaseWorks is the work product reporting & billing. There is no doubt that despite my best efforts, I was not billing for work that was actually completed. CaseWorks paid for itself within two weeks."
Dana Stellingworth
All Professional Investigation

Try for FREE

Try CaseWorks  for 60 days free! Your trail account comes with all of our investigative features & reports. No credit card is required to join. 

Join our community

We have an active community of  investigators from around the world! Talk with other private investigators about workflow, best practices and gear. 

Flexible plans

CaseWorks is designed to grow with your business. So if you are a one investigator business or have a large team, there are pricing plans to fit your budget.  

CaseWorks is a PI app designed for today’s Private Investigator case management needs. 

Your connections, cases, calendar, employees, reports & finances all organized in one location. 

CaseWorks is the #1 Case Management Solution for Private Investigators when it comes to all of your case management needs.